
If you’ve made it this far on our site, you’re probably considering signing up for one of our programs and we really look forward to supporting you. This page contains the legal information we’re required to share for our own protection and yours.
At The Evolving Artist, we believe that you can be, do, and have much more than most people believe is possible. Our goal is to provide you with some of the most powerful methods available for personal transformation and creating the life you most want to live. However, your results are ultimately dependent on your own commitment, inner process, and best efforts. We are legally required to remind you that we do not guarantee your results or outcomes when you use our tools, methods, or strategies. Our products and methods are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or mental illness.
Privacy Policy
We hold the privacy of our clients and subscribers in the highest regard and will never sell, rent, share, or otherwise disclose your personal information with any third party.
- Group Work: When participating in group support calls, webinars, teleseminars, live streams, or other such events with The Evolving Artist, they may be recorded and shared for educational and outreach purposes. Any information you share on our private Facebook pages is intended for members of those groups only, but we cannot guarantee complete confidentiality. Private, one-on-one work is the best way to ensure complete confidentiality, if that is a concern for you.
- One-On-One Work: Confidentiality is of utmost importance for many of our clients, given the industry we’re in. Anything you share with us privately, in or out of sessions, will adhere to the highest standards of confidentiality. Nondisclosure agreements can be signed upon request.
Billing Policies
The Evolving Artist accepts all major credit and debit cards. Most of our programs can be paid for in full or through monthly payment plans, and while we don’t accept personal checks for payment plans, some exceptions may apply when programs are purchased in full. In this case, all returned checks will be charged a $50 fee. Payment is required at or before the time of delivering program materials, as well as at or before the time of scheduling in the case of private, one-on-one programs. Where payment is not received before a scheduled, private session, The Evolving Artist is not obligated to provide service. Please note that a $35 fee will be applied to any missed or late payments, which may be in addition to a returned check fee where applicable. Canceling a payment plan for private coaching before the completed commitment will incur a $100 cancellation fee.
24 hours notice is required to reschedule an appointment. This window ensures our ability to offer that time to another client. Clients are responsible for payment for any scheduled sessions canceled with less than 24 hours notice. If an exceptional circumstance arises and The Evolving Artist needs to reschedule a session, we too will provide the client with 24 hours notice where practical.
Unless clearly stated otherwise (with the purchase of a particular program), we do not offer refunds. Some programs available through The Evolving Artist provide the client with full proprietary material upfront. In these instances, a payment plan cannot be cancelled, and we reserve the right to pursue necessary means to secure payment. Private programs may require additional policies that will be made available to you for your review upon purchase. If you have any questions or concerns about any of our policies whatsoever, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We look forward to partnering with you for your success.